Dungeon Zero

Dungeon Zero

https://youtu.be/bjIbBWGffog At the beginning of the pandemic, stuck at home, I needed something to sink my teeth into. As a video editor, I had always...
https://youtu.be/bjIbBWGffog At the beginning of the pandemic, stuck at home, I needed something to sink my teeth into. As a video editor, I had always wanted to get deeper into understanding and recording audio. So I looped my friend William Monroe into creating a podcast with me centered around the game AI Dungeon The concept was to record short to medium length playthroughs of AI-guided roleplaying sessions. Then, to put a little more production into the project, Misty Witten came on to do narration and characters as she was working on finding her voice as a voice actor. I was...
Wren Wild

Wren Wild

Dance is Movement Art and I have been practicing Movement Art with my partner Misty Witten for years in and around Austin. We dance socially,...
Dance is Movement Art and I have been practicing Movement Art with my partner Misty Witten for years in and around Austin. We dance socially, we perform and we teach. We tell stories through our form of Dance that resonate physically and emotionally. We seek to inspire, to empower and to move People, Our Audience, You. We dance Aerial Dance Fusion - our own style of fusion that mixes flow and connection with tricks, transitions and aerials. Wren Wild has been on a hiatus for much of the pandemic, Dance is a calling as much as any other and we...
The Balloon Collective

The Balloon Collective

The Balloon Collective has kept me in the Art-making business since I started helping out at SXSW 2018. We do small-large scale decor pieces -...
The Balloon Collective has kept me in the Art-making business since I started helping out at SXSW 2018. We do small-large scale decor pieces - Garlands of Organic, Ceilings, Streamers, Backdrops and Balloon Sculpture (Nate the Great is amazing at this). Below are some pictures of the work. Follow @TheBalloonCollective for more! [gallery_p_gallery id=1]