ART7 Submissions and Credits

ART7 Submissions and Credits

Welcome to ART7 1-bit Gallery! I hope you Have or Are enjoying the gallery. The focus for this first show has been to include art...
Welcome to ART7 1-bit Gallery! I hope you Have or Are enjoying the gallery. The focus for this first show has been to include art from members of the Playdate community, art from friends, partners, and myself! What do you do when you first open a Gallery? Invite all of your friends to show of course! Now, if you have enjoyed the ART7 and would like to be featured in the NEXT show (Audio or Visual), get in contact with me for details! [contact-form to="" subject="ART7 Submission"][contact-field label="Name" type="name" required="1"][contact-field label="Email" type="email" required="1"][contact-field label="Message" type="textarea"][/contact-form]   ART-O-Ween: Night at the...
ART7 for Playdate

ART7 for Playdate

ART7 1-bit Gallery **OUT NOW for Playdate** by Ledbetter So I'm building an Art Gallery for the Playdate Handheld Console. !. It's called ART7 and...
ART7 1-bit Gallery **OUT NOW for Playdate** by Ledbetter So I'm building an Art Gallery for the Playdate Handheld Console. !. It's called ART7 and will be released in April/May/June on and to the developer community. I have a long personal history of fascination with Games and Game Hardware, especially niche and bootleg devices. Tiger Electronic LED handheld games. Space Harrier on the Sega Game Gear. I built a Retroarch machine into a NES cartridge. I'm loving my Anbernic 315v and all the MAME games I can run. I have a bootleg arcade stick with 1400+ arcade games. I...


The Gallery shown in the sidebar of these pages is a series of 'Digital Instant' photography. Every image is the result of a Boop! in...
The Gallery shown in the sidebar of these pages is a series of 'Digital Instant' photography. Every image is the result of a Boop! in which I reach out with an innate sense of composition to capture a photo. These are truly instant and shot from the hip pictures, but it is the limitations of the process that are a literal joy! Due to the intentional design of the camera system (a papershoot), I can neither studiously compose a shot nor review it immediately afterward. The philosophy behind the device is to bring back the mystery of shooting instant film...